| 1. | It may be difficult to fully grasp at first reading . 初读时要完全领会可能是困难的。
| 2. | What strikes at a first reading is its vivid images . 初读时它给人的印象是形象生动。
| 3. | It was the first reading of "meadowes farm" that evening . 当天晚上进行《牧草农场》一剧首场排练。
| 4. | Sections that may be passed over in first reading are marked with an asterisk . 凡在第一遍阅读时可以忽略的一些段落都用星号标明。
| 5. | First read in the grammar , and create an 首先读入语法,然后根据语法创建一个
| 6. | Let me tell you how i first read it 让我来告诉你我最初是怎么读到的吧。
| 7. | First read the above information about the web design . 客户应先了解上述网页制作的情况;
| 8. | What was your reaction when you first read the script 当你第一次读到剧本时,你有什么反应
| 9. | First read the first message in the queue 读取队列中的第一条消息。
| 10. | " did i tell you how i first read your story ? “我告诉了你我是怎么第一次读你的作品的么? ”